Citizens of the World Charter School Kansas City Closing

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  • Citizens of the World
    At Citizens of the World, school is a happy place to be for teachers and students.
  • Citizens of the World
    Partnerships are key to making Citizens of the World run smoothly. Here, a partner from Start At Zero reads with a child while waiting on the parent group she has organized to show up. Start At Zero partners with schools to support families birth through Kindergarten. Weekly parent groups and play dates are some of the in-school supports they offer.
  • Citizens of the World
    Outside, students at Citizens of the World have a colorful play area complete with raised garden beds, bicycle trail, basketball hoop, and logs that serve as balance beams.
  • Citizens of the World
    Citizens of the World focuses on students learning about the world by engaging directly with it through project based learning. When students learned about the significance of flags for countries and states, they decided to make a flag that best represented what their classroom was about. A parent bought the materials and sewed it together for them.
  • Citizens of the World
    In the upper grades, students engage in learning experiences that connect what they are learning with the world around them. Here, after a Social Studies unit in which students studied the Constitution, they decided to write one for their class.
  • Citizens of the World
    Here, third grade students are working with their teacher (seated with them in circle holding laptop) on an English assignment.
  • Citizens of the World
    In third grade, students are treated to a city view out of their windows and a classroom that houses pets, technology and flexible spaces to work.
  • Citizens of the World
    In gym class, students play a game of tag with their friends. The gym is a multi-use room that also serves as the cafeteria and auditorium for the building. All students go to gym class weekly.
  • Citizens of the World
    In Music class, this Kindergarten group fuses dance moves with music. At Citizens of the World students have a sing along weekly with their parents and teachers as well as opportunities to use rhythm and music in their learning. All students have music as an elective weekly.
  • Citizens of the World
    In Art, these second grade students learn how to make tiny figurines with their teacher. All students go to art class weekly.
  • Citizens of the World
    In the Library, these 2nd grade students work to complete an activity. All students at Citizens of the World go to the Library once each week.
  • Citizens of the World
    In all classes, students have areas like this one where they can relax and read. Classroom libraries contain books organized by student interest at all grade levels.
  • Citizens of the World
    Outside of class, student thinking is on display with these creations that tell about student homes. All students store their belongings in the hallway on hooks assigned by their teacher.
  • Citizens of the World
    These students work to complete their math assignment in table groups.
  • Citizens of the World
    While these first grade students stretch their science knowledge by happily making slime in class.
  • Citizens of the World
    These first grade students take a brain break and dance in class along with their favorite video.
  • Citizens of the World
    In first grade, these students work with their teacher on the carpet to complete a vocabulary lesson.
  • Citizens of the World
    In Kindergarten, students focus on imaginative play. Here sight words are written on the walls under the letter they begin with and students have a pretend store front to use during choice time.
  • Citizens of the World
    Here, a reading interventionist works with Kindergarten students in a multi use hallway space. Citizens of the World has open areas like this where classes can work together outside of the classroom. This allows staff members like this one to support student learning in small groups.
  • Citizens of the World
    While these Kindergarten students read with their teacher and volunteers who help improve their literacy skills. Citizens of the World has a partnership with the Literacy Lab to provide on-site tutors to support reading instruction.
  • Citizens of the World
    In Kindergarten, these two friends read a book together on the carpet during independent reading time.
  • Citizens of the World
    Citizens of the World students pay for lunch based on their income. Lunch is catered in daily by a caterer chosen with parent input. Here is today's delivery.
  • Citizens of the World
    When students and visitors come into the building, they are greeted warmly by Mrs. Adkins at the front desk. Students at Citizens of the World are expected to wear a uniform of khaki bottoms and a white, gold, or green shirt when they come to school each day.
  • Citizens of the World
    Dr. Kristin Droege (featured left) is the head principal of Citizens of the World. Here, she stops in the hallway to discuss student progress with a staff member.

Citizens of the World KC, Elementary School (PK-5)

Citizens of the World KC, Elementary School

  • NO Tuition
  • Availability for 2021-2022
  • NO Transportation provided
  • Before and After-Care Available
  • Participating SchoolAppKC School
  • Quick Facts
  • Programs & Features
  • Application Process
  • Student Performance
  • Parent Perspective
  • Preschool

Quick Facts

Our Mission


The mission of CWC Kansas City is to provide an excellent public education focused on developing and demonstrating understanding while building connections within a diverse community.

Points of Pride

  • Part of a national network of diverse, high performing charter schools serving students in Los Angeles and Kansas City.
  • Our model is built to support diverse learners. New ideas are connected to a student experiences and existing understanding of the world, rather than rote memorization.
  • Our model supports this development through social emotional learning (SEL), which we believe to be as integral to an excellent education as traditional academic subjects.

School Hours

  • School Hours: 8:00 am - 3:15 pm
  • Before Care Hours Start: 7:00 am
  • After Care Hours End: 6:00 pm

School Details

  • Year Established: 2016
  • Total Enrollment: 376
  • Affiliation: Charter
  • School Type: Charter

Feeder Schools

  • Middle School: Citizens of the World Middle School

Charter Sponsor

  • Missouri Charter Public School Commission


  • Tuition: NO Tuition

Our Demographics

Receive Special Ed Services

English Language Learners

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Programs and Features

Arts Programs

  • Drama + Theater
  • Drawing
  • Drum/Percussion
  • Instrumental Music
  • Literature
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Sculpture
  • Visual Arts
  • Vocal Music

Sports Programs

  • Baseball
  • Basketball (Boys)
  • Basketball (Girls)

Clubs + Activities

  • Book Club
  • Coding
  • Culinary Arts
  • Environmental Club
  • Math Team
  • Robotics
  • Yoga

Social Services

  • BackSnack Program
  • Dental Services
  • Health Clinic
  • Learning Support Specialists
  • School Breakfast
  • School Counselor
  • School Lunch
  • Social Worker
  • Uniform Closet
  • Vision Services

Family Engagement

  • Classroom Volunteers
  • Evening Family Events
  • Family Appreciation Events
  • Field Trip Chaperone
  • Parent Book Clubs
  • Parent Communication App
  • Parent-Community Association
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Schoolwide Volunteers
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Application Process

Application Details

Although many schools have application deadlines, most continue to accept applications for available seats on an ongoing basis.

  • Application Open: November 13, 2021
  • Application Close: March 1, 2022
  • Kindergarten Cutoff: July 31, 2021
  • Offer Date: March 7, 2022
  • Decision Date: March 14, 2022
  • Residence: Students must live within KCPS boundaries.

How to Apply

*Note: If they do not have space, you may choose to remain on their waitlist.

To apply please visit

Citizens of the World Kansas City is one of 16 Kansas City charter schools working together to simplify their initial application process into one easy 8-question form,, that you can fill out on any electronic device.

If you have questions regarding the process, please email, or call the CWC Kansas City Enrollment Office at (816) 550-5276.

Admission Preferences

Siblings , Geographic

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Student Performance

Standardized Test Results

Why It Matters

Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) tests are scored (or graded) according to four achievement levels: Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. The number shown here is the percentage of students who scored Proficient or Advanced. When comparing scores between years, please remember that the test Missouri gives has changed several times.

Please note that private schools are not required to participate in these exams.

In 2019, the average English score in Missouri was 48.7%; the average Math score was 41.9%, source

Attendance Rate 90/90

Why It Matters

Schools strive to have at least 90% of their students achieve a 90% attendance rate because kids learn best when they're in school.

In 2019, 87.3% of Missouri students were in attendance at least 90% of the time, source.

Student Growth

English Language Arts


Why It Matters

This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in English Language Arts.

There are three categories possible: Floor (minimum), On Track (doing just fine), and Exceeding (outperforming their peers).

Why It Matters

This data determines if individual students, compared to their peers, are making achievement gains over time in Mathematics.

There are three categories possible: Floor (minimum), On Track (doing just fine), and Exceeding (outperforming their peers).

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Parent Perspective

Laura Miller, parent of a Kindergartner, 2nd grader, and 3rd grader

Laura Miller and her two sons and daughter feel at home at Citizens of the World Kansas City, and part of that feeling comes from the community that has been created at the school. Laura said one of her favorite things about the elementary school is the weekly gathering on Fridays – Friday Sing – where she gets to come and participate in the all-school assembly. "I'm there every week!," she said. "Being able to come every week and for my kids to see me there, it provides an opportunity for me to be present in their academic setting."

Friday Sing is a time when teachers, students and staff gather together to sing and celebrate each other. Students are recognized for embodying the school's core values of: Excellence, Diversity, Authenticity, Change, and Community. The feeling in the room is joyful and focuses on positivity and community. For Laura, this weekly tradition continues to provide a way for her to be a part of her sons' school experience.

Why did you choose to send your children to Citizens?

I liked that there was just as much emphasis on emotional behavioral health as there is on academic education. I also like that it feels like a neighborhood and community school. We love seeing people from school at the park or at our favorite restaurants. It really feels like a lot of people are really invested there and like the school is a true community. I've also noticed that when a family might be in crisis at Citizens, in addition to the school supporting the family, other Citizens families also step in and help. Everyone cares about each other.

Excellence is one of CWC's core values: There is a focus on rigorous academics as well as a focus on the fact that there is a lot that contributes to a kid's success beyond test scores. How have you seen this ring true with your child?

I love the way they teach reading! My boys are in third grade and second grade grade, so I haven't been around kids learning to read since I learned how to read! At Citizens, it just seems very hands-on and palatable. I also love that they separate into specific reading groups from early in Kindergarten so students are able to be challenged where they are in the reading process.

You mentioned valuing the focus at Citizens on social-emotional learning. How have you seen your children develop confidence in talking about their emotions and understanding their emotions?

Specifically with my third grader, he's able to use "I feel" statements when talking to his brother and sister about situations. Last year he was able to verbalize things he was learning from the school's core values of Excellence, Diversity, Authenticity, Change, and Community. He would talk about authenticity and being able to roll with change and things like that. He is learning very important skills.

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Citizens of the World offers off-site Pre-K at earlystART's Metro Center at 39th and Troost. To enroll, families must qualify for free and reduced lunch. The application opens on November 13, 2021 and the deadline to apply is March 1, 2022. Families will be notified of their acceptance or waitlist status on March 7, 2022. If you qualify for and receive a spot, you will be guaranteed a kindergarten spot at Citizens of the World the following year.

About earlystART's Metro Center

Metro Center is a program of earlystART and is Head Start affiliated. Poverty guidelines are used to determine eligibility. It annually serves more than 100 very low and low-income families.

Points of Pride

  • NAEYC-accredited
  • Comprehensive approach to the family
  • Special curriculum-integrated art activities
  • Open year-round

School Hours

  • School Hours: 6:30 am – 5:30 pm
  • Days Open:M, Tu, W, Th, F
  • Before Care Hours Start: 6:30 am
  • After Care Hours End: No After Care available

School Details

  • Total Enrollment: 102
  • Specialized Focus:Arts Intensive


  • Tuition Amount:Mostly income-based


  • None provided
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Citizens of the World Charter School Kansas City Closing


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